Created by daniel 7 years ago
This is the hardest part to write about but as proud as my nana was of me I am proud of nana for everything she did in life but no more than this. I can only tell this from what I have been told and some parts I was there for. One day when my nana went to the shop she fell/passed out the shop rung an ambulance and she was taken to hospital just to make sure she was ok while she was there the doctors told her that the cancer she fought about 25 years previous had come back and it had gone to far to do anything about. She told the doctors not to tell any of the family how bad it was my nana did this because she did not like anyone worrying about her. She told the family she had cancer but not how bad it really was and for months she was on medication and at some points we all thought she was getting better because she looked like she was, little did we no it wasn't helping but every time anyone went to see her she put on a smile and tried to make it out she wasn't in pain and she kept fighting even tho the doctor couldn't tell us what was going on because that's the way my nana wanted it. There were days were it looked like she was getting better and others were she didn't want anyone to see her because she wasn't well enough. The last time I seen my nana was Saturday the 13th of December 2014 I will never forget that day when I left I said goodbye nana I will see you in 2 weeks and lay next next to her for a few minutes due to her bed being moved down stair as she couldn't walk upstairs and then I got up give her a kiss and went home. I couldn't wait to go and see her again but 2 weeks later I got a phone call saying nana didn't want any visitors and she would call me when she was feeling better. Even with how ill she was she still got den to do Christmas dinner for a few of the family which I wish I could of gone to. All the family that did go said my nana looked good considering the situation. After Christmas and new year passed she took a turn and on the 5th of January 2015 she lost her fight with cancer. The reason I think this is my proudest moment for my nana is she beat cancer once about 25 years before and this time no matter how ill she was and how bad it was getting and what the doctors were saying she didn't want anyone to worry about her and always tried to smile and tried to make sure every one else was ok. Im not only proud she was my nana and we spent years having good times and creating memories that will last forever she is the bravest women I no not only fighting and beating cancer once but when she found out she had it again and there wasn't much doctors could do she still tried to fight it and beat it and even tho she didn't beat it she fought to the end so she could spend as much time with her family as she could. LOVE YOU FOREVER NANA XXXXX